This is a lovely old book that I found on eBay. There is no date of publication printed, but somebody has left a magazine page tucked inside the cover, and that is dated 1948, so I can only assume the book would be more than 50 years old. The illustrations inside the book would date it even earlier. Anybody want to see more?
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just delightful... I wonder who owned it originally? would love to see more, when you get a chance.
Yes, yes, yes..I'd love to see more as you can get to it..*S*
Gosh you girls are quick! I only put that on here 10 minutes ago! OK, I will scan some pages tomorrow for you.
What a lovely book. I too would love to see some of the embroidery in there... when you get the time... Thank you for the offer! :o)
Count me in too Gina! I'd love to see what goodies are inside it's pages!
Yes, Please!
Wow, how precious! I love it when you find things slipped into old books. I put things in my books on purpose (pressed flowers, leaves, feathers, cute bookmarks etc) knowing that one day I'll get a little surprise. I'd love to see more too.
I sure would. The cover is delightful! What a find Gina!
Gina the needlework pics are lovely and YES PLEASE, I'd love to see inside the book!
Would you email me when you have time? My email addy is in my profile. Thanks a bunch!
waaaa! You're so lucky!! I'd love to see more too :)
p.s. Gina ~ i've left the muffin recipe over in my comments. I couldn't email you. Cheers :)
Oh dear. Just when so many people want to see something, my computer has spat the dummy and refuses to scan. The scanner is all set up and rarin' to go, but the computer just says "sorry, not initialized", whatever that means. Bloody thing was perfectly allright last night. So don't hold your breath, ladies - I will get around to it as soon as the computer is sorted out :-(
What a woderful book~I have a soft spot for the southern belle needlework!
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