"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Some more Op Shop and eBay purchases..

Today was one of my rare 'free' days, so I decided to do something useful instead of taking off in the car and checking out more op shops. S was working, otherwise we may have done just that, as it is much more fun when there are two of you! However, I was very productive; I vaccumed, washed floors, defrosted the fridge, and fixed this computer...well, I hope I have. Before I started on the housework, I set it up for a thorough ScanDisk, which took about 6 hours, and followed that up with a defrag. The message at the conclusion said there were errors found on the hard drive, which are now fixed. So I scanned these few items tonight, with only one freeze.
At the risk of sounding rather strange, I am going to describe what has been happening to my computer over this past week, and I am keen to hear if anybody can offer an explanation. When I am sitting here typing or reading emails etc., everything is fine for most of the time. But if I move away from the desk, either to put something in the scanner (which I can't reach from where I sit), or go out of the room for even just a minute, the computer freezes. Not just temporarily - I have to turn it off at the button and restart, usually resulting in that awful safe mode screen. It is just like a child - throwing a tantrum when you leave them alone. It is actually quite spooky...am I producing some kind of energy field that interacts with the computer, so it goes off when I move away? Weird...


Anonymous said...

Gina, there is a setting on the computer that sends it to sleep if the mouse doesn't move for so many minutes, you can set it yourself for any time you like or disable it altogether - maybe its that.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gina, I looked it up. On mine, its under start, settings, control panel, power options. Its an energy saving measure.

Gina said...

Hi, Gina, This is Gina. I just read your post on my blog and had to stop by. What a lovely place you have here.
Growing up I only knew of 1 Gina and she was alot older than me. So that is funny seeing so many Gina's.
I never thought about it but people are probably getting confused..LOL.
I will go by Gina L, maybe that will help and I will head over to my Blog and change it right now.
Hope you get your computer fixed, it can be a challenge sometimes.

Pamela Kellogg said...

Oh my gosh Gina! What gorgeous pretties you have here! I love the peacock. I love everything but your new peacock fabric is so beautiful!

As for your computer, try disabling the sleep mode. Mine was set that way too awhile back and when I eventually moved my mouse, the computer froze up on me. It's a Windows bug. Arggg...... now I don't want to jinx myself by saying it's been fine ever since so I won't say that! ;)

Miss Robyn said...

all I can say about the computer, is that sometimes they have minds of their own!

good to hear you had a great day cleaning...now you can rest easy when you do get to go op shopping...wish I could come!

melloman said...
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Miss Robyn said...

oh poor Gina, looks like you have been hit by the spam bug that I had yesterday....I have put word verification into my comments. what a pain it is,but you aren't alone, alot of us had it happen yesterday.

Shell said...

Goodness me! I see what people mean about spam now. Argh! Anyway, I'm sorry that I can't help you with your computer troubles - I'm fairly computer illiterate and just fudge my way along most of the time. I hope you find out what the problem is soon (and get rid of this dratted spam!).

Gill said...

Hi Gina.
I'm afraid I'm a know-nothing when it comes to computers - I do hope you find the answer to your mysterious problem.
Thanks for your comment on my blog - you always say such lovely things to me! I have read before in magazines about binding the hoop - but have to confess I have always been too lazy to do it! I will get some bias binding and give it a go.

Gina E. said...

Hi Gina L, I am now Gina E. Thanks for suggesting we do that - I am sure it will make it a lot easier for us Gina People!