I finished binding my Suffolk Puff flower picture, and am very happy with it. I've also made another mug rug - and actually have ORDERS for more!! My friends who aren't into crafts like this are all delighted with my mug rugs and have been offering to pay me to make more for them! It is embarrassing - they only take an hour to do, and I'm not buying any extra supplies, as I'm just using my stash.
That reminds me - I forgot to post a picture of this mini quilt last week. It was in our local collectables shop for $10, so I grabbed it. It is only small - 40cm by 30cm, but so cute!
Great finish. Reminds me of a picture my mum's father painted. It was a vase of chysanthemums arranged very much in this style
Very nice finish! I have to try binding a small piece to learn how to do it. Yours looks so nice with the contrasting binding.
love the finish! keep going!
You did such a lovely job! Have a great weekend.
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