Yes, another peacock from the USA. This one is a table runner, with the peacock at each end. OK you purists, I know the colours might raise some eyebrows, but I love the variety of interpretations of peacocks in my collection.
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Patra's Place will be mostly about my linen collection, but also about my SINS (Stuff I'll Never Stitch), UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and projects that I am currently working on. Since I created this first blog, I have diversified somewhat! You can see the list of my other blogs, and my favourite websites and blogs by other people, on the sidebar.
GORGEOUS! Aren't you amazed at the work that women put in pieces? So much talent! Hugs, Sher
Hi Gina,
I enjoy the variety of peacocks. But I like peacocks. One of these days I'll try and scan them. My latest kick is Amy Brown's work.
Oh Gina! That peacock is Gorgeous!!
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