Tea cosy - front.
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Patra's Place will be mostly about my linen collection, but also about my SINS (Stuff I'll Never Stitch), UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and projects that I am currently working on. Since I created this first blog, I have diversified somewhat! You can see the list of my other blogs, and my favourite websites and blogs by other people, on the sidebar.
Oh Gina, I LOVE your tea cosy! Would you believe in this large stack of vintage linen I have, I don't have one tea cosy??? I wonder if they aren't common in the USA or if they have been used so much they have all worn out? HA What a great find and a great addition to your collection! Sher
Sher, I am happy to do an exchange with you - one of my teacosies for anything you'd like to swap. I have emailed you directly.
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