Did that title grab your attention? Good, read on. If you are a regular reader here, you will have noticed my postings about Jan Macfadyen's blog Oz Comfort Quilts. She has just written a piece on her other blog Sew Many Quilts, about Karen in Qld. who Jan sends quilts to for needy people up there. You can read the whole article by clicking on the link, but the following is just part of it, to give you an idea of what Jan and her friends are constantly battling to do. These women really are angels on earth.
When we left he was at his car, standing holding a baby of about 9 months old, wife was sitting in the car, but this little baby was dressed nice and warmly (it was 1 degree in Ipswich when we were there!) but coughing its little heart out, red eyes , very pale looking...apparently they had taken the baby to a doctor, given a prescription but didn't have the money for the prescription, that's why they were trying to get a few $$'s from the centre.
As a man from Shelter NSW said in the Today Tonight interview tonight, (where they interview a young mum with a 5 year old boy who are living in a tent in a caravan park for $180 p.w., its all they can afford) in such a rich country as Australia is, it just SHOULDN'T happen...but it does...then they went straight onto the next story ... the politicians pay rise...even the backbenchers RISE is more than some people earn in a year!!
At the Brotherhood of St Lawrence opshop where I work, there are always blankets, crocheted rugs, and the occasional quilt donated. As our prices are very low in order to help those who are genuinely in need, I plan to buy some of the rugs that have been on the rack for a month or more, and send them up to Jan to distribute. It only costs me a few dollars to pack fabrics into an Australia Post satchel and shoot them up to Shepparton. Do you have it in your heart to do something? Jan is asking for people to knit or crochet squares of wool so she can make them up into blankets or rugs. I don't knit or crochet, that's why I am sending the opshop donations instead.
5 years ago
It's a great cause. I'm going to see what I can do and post a few links around the place too.
That is very sweet of you. This is such a wonderful cause.
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