After an absence of four months while I was looking after Ken, I returned to the Embroiderers' Guild yesterday, in my volunteer role. One of the members had left a surprise for me - a big bag full of linens that she rescued from the bin at the opshop where she works.

She'd told me about them some time ago, and explained that they were stained, torn, worn and so on, but I've heard that before, and know by experience that one person's concept of rubbish can be treasure for me! The two colour floral centrepieces are certainly worse for wear, but the others are mostly in good enough condition to use or recycle in some way.
I photographed them all when I got home yesterday, soaked them overnight, and hung them outside today to be blown dry. Now I'm about to spend a blissful half hour ironing them. Yes - blissful! I don't mind ironing at any time, but ironing beautiful embroidered linens is sheer joy.

Sorry about Tiger appearing in the middle of all that. He kept on sitting on everything as I was taking photos, and I had to keep deleted snaps when his head or a paw would appear at the side of them! But I thought this one was cute enough to leave.
oh Gina I agree, ironing nice embroideries or linens is bliss. Love your rescued finds. I like to keep a few damaged ones aside too for little projects like my Hottie Cover, which would have been a lovely table cloth in its day, reduced to the rag bag, rescued and now on display in an Exhibition!!
Haha, he's lovely, and so are the linens
They are beautiful...I love the tea tray linen and also the blue toweling..just gorgeous!
What a stash additive... Love to see them at some stage.... Got your email will reply when I get a chance... Too tired of a night time to do anything... Speak soon...But at this stage I don't think ww will be going on Saturday... How is Ken coping with work? Love to you both xx
It's nice when we have friends who see the opportunity to rescue beautiful things like these from the bin for us.
Some of us do see the beauty in damaged embroideries--if only others could see the joy on our faces when we receive them.
Lovely linens! Here I thought the "odd" photo was to make sure I was paying attention! I guess Tiger must love vintage pieces as much as you do.
I should have known that as a fellow linens and lace lover, that you too enjoy ironing. Something soothing about it. I loved that you placed a picture of Tiger right in the middle of the linens; so appropriate! Anyway, congrats on such lovely additions to your collection. I hope all is well with you (plural). Hugs, Cathy
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