"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Monday, October 31, 2005

Same photo on both blogs.

I had just completely a lengthy posting on Patra's Other Place, and decided to include a recent photo of the MOTH and myself to break up all the text. Picasa is up and running again after their temporary hiccup the other night, but I wasn't watching what I was doing, so this photo ended up on here instead. I put it on the other blog as I had intended, and was going to delete this one, but then I thought, what the heck? Not everybody reads Patra No.2, so I decided to leave it here, as I know how nice it is to see your blogger friends 'in the flesh'.


Anne S said...

BTW, Gina, looks like Mum managed to find the peacock chart - I'll get her to bring it over with her when she visits at Christmas, then I can get it to you :)

Gina E. said...

Hey Anne, that is great! How kind of you to think of me. I owe you one for this - my shout for coffee and cakes when we finally meet - lol!

Danielle said...

Hi Gina-what a nice photo! It looks windy there, though. I guess it was winter, though! I am stitching away every day at work on your mailart. Slowly but surely I will get it finished! Once I get to the adresses, it shoudl go much faster!

Pirate said...

Your miss is our gain. Thanks.