"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Useful information found on the net - where else!

Where else indeed, would one find information about how to store vintage textiles? From the Smithsonian Institute, no less. I know there are a number of ladies who read my blog because they share my love of old embroideries, so you might find this link useful. Hope this works..(crossing fingers): Smithsonian Institute, Textiles


Lelia said...

Gina: Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know I am luck for having a special place to stitch. Everything else (stash) is tucked away here & there! Having a craft room/library sounds good to me. Maybe one day ; ) I'll have to check out the Smithsonian web site, too.

Maggie Ann said...

Your link does work and there is a lot of handy info there. Good idea for future reference.