I was quite restrained in my spending for a change. I went with a small shopping list and found most of what I was after, but only bought one of those, and a couple of extras. I was looking for a new plastic ruler for cutting and squaring quilt blocks, but there were so many variations, I decided not to bother buying any of them, as they were all rather expensive. I'll stick to my mat and ordinary plastic ruler! But I did buy something I saw on somebody's blog - "batting seam tape", which enables you to stick all those small bits of batting together to make a usable size, instead of throwing them out.

My 'impulse buys' were this book on using paper napkins to decorate stuff - I bought the special napkin craft glue earlier this year, and this book provides heaps of ideas to put it to use.

And some fabrics. The coloured paw prints are a substitute for something I was looking for to use in a particular project, but I don't think it is going to work, so I'll find another use for it. The peacock feathers fabric came in two colour ranges, but it was $27 a metre, so I just bought half a metre of this one. The blue fabric with Asian writing on it was too beautiful to pass up, and the Aussie sunset fabric is for another specific project I want to do. The one fabric I was looking for, asking at every stall that sold fabric, was Raindrops. I need a fabric printed with raindrops for a cute wallhanging which has brightly coloured umbrellas against a background of rain. Nobody had ever seen or heard of it! But a few stalls did have fabric with sky and clouds, so I might have to settle for that.