I have now finished washing and ironing all the goodies that Barb sent over last week. I'd posted a pic of them in bulk, but thought it was worthwhile to show them close up as well.
This is a simple cross stitched napkin, which I may use to line a breadbasket or similar.
Three in a set of six sweet napkins. They will look so cute at my next afternoon tea!
One end of a table runner. How lucky was Barb to find something with a Southern Belle on it!
This handkerchief has the tiniest, most perfect stitching on it. I tried not to include handkies in my collection when I first started, but when this kind of work kept presenting itself, I just had to have some!
This little green mat or doiley was possible produced in Asia, but that doesn't detract from the perfect stitching. Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese embroiderers produce beautiful work.
5 years ago
All very lovely and special things.
I think you ask me the brand name on my gold bag. To be truthful I don't know. So sorry you couldn't find yours. I treasure mine!! Thanks for your comment about it.
They are lovely, you're right, they do deserve some close up attention.
Those rosebuds are so pretty!
Also, thanks for adding Rudy to your blog! He looks right at home there=:)
Thank you, ladies! Susan, my purse was Oroton, but there was also a brand called Glo-Mesh.
Hi Loulee, I'm going to pop by your blog shortly.
Ah Diane - you noticed!! Rudy does look good on my side bar, and I hope you're getting some more traffic through him - your beading deserves a wide audience.
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