This is a tea-towel that was stitched for me by a lady in a Yahoo Embroidery group I joined. I sent my tea towel to another person, as it was a 'secret exchange', so I don't know yet who did this one for me. I will find out eventually I guess, but I am having awful trouble with Yahoo - everytime I log into my Yahoo Groups site, my PC freezes. EVERY time! Why????? Can anyone help me?
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Sorry I can't help with the pc problem...but I do admmire the blue sunbonnet stitching! It is fun to think that our Mums were singing the same songs to us way back when, isn't it. And today we are blog friends clear across the world. I'm thankful to the Lord for the blessing.
You left a comment on one of my blogs..Messy Musings. I am so glad! I love looking at all your lovely embroidery and I will definitely be bookmarking your blog. :)
Thanks Maggie and Lisa! Always love visitors, especially when they share my love of embroidery.
I love the "Sunday" teatowel ... of course I am slightly biased 'cos it's stitched in blue ;P haha. Seriously, though, it looks lovely :) I actually tried commenting on this a week ago, but blogger kept freezing up and I cracked a wobbly with it ... so here I am trying to catch up again a week later!
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