"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Op Shop finds - Vintage UFO's!!!

I hadn't been to our local Brotherhood Opshop for a few months, but decided to check them out today, looking for lace for Pam and ties for Barbara. There was no lace and only a few ties, but surprise, surprise! I found these, for $1.40 each - bargains! Especially the two with the original instruction sheets - very hard to find these days. There was one more, but I only had $5 in my wallet, so I had to leave that. I doubt if it will still be there if I go back in a day or two, but it might be worth checking.


Maggie Ann said...

Oh my goodness, I love being able to see what you've got there. These are wonderful!!! good for you Gina...they've gone home with just the right person..=)

woof nanny said...

That ship is fantastic! Great find.

Laren said...


I love these, but then again I'm a sucker for anything with Lazy Daisy's in them!!


Gina E. said...

If I ever get around to stitching them, I'll be sure to let you know!