"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This is the chart I am working on for the Guild commission. I was asked by another blogger to provide progress photos, so the first one is below.
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Maggie Ann said...

Gina, how nice this is!!

Pam said...

It looks lovely. But time-consuming. I would love to get back to embroidery in my retirement, but do wonder if my eyesight will be up to it. At the moment I don't wear glasses, but I can see the time coming soon! Telephone directories are becoming difficult. Happy sewing!

Crazee4books said...

Hi Gina, Thanks for your comments on my blog. Have you decided on a price for your stitching commission? Or will you wait until it's done to decide? Phoebe sends purrs to you in greeting.

Maggie Ann said...

Gina, how are you doing I'm wondoring..just over to say Hi and see if you had posted.