I was lucky to recently meet a lady who has an enormous collection of old linen that she has amassed from various relatives and auctions. She doesn't know much about linens and lace, so I offered to sort it out for her and categorise it, as well as wash and iron whatever I judged in need of it. She was very happy to let me take it all home, and my little car was literally filled to the roof with everything. I took some photos of the car when I got home, and some more when I got everything out of the car and on to the patio in the back yard, before I took it inside. Ken came out and the look on his face was comical - I should have photographed him too! "Have you bought all that??" he gasped, and I said "Yep, I went to an auction today!" then I laughed and told him the truth before he collapsed!
I mentioned on Patra's Other Place that I have two weeks off work, but I omitted to say over there that much of my first week has been taken up in sorting this linen out. It is all over my 'linen' room (aka the spare bedroom) in piles on the floor and bed. I had a friend come over on Saturday to help me, as while I know a lot about embroidery, I am no expert at all when it comes to crochet, lace, etc. but this lady is. We had a wonderful time going through it all, and she was a great help. Most people would think I am mad offering to wash and iron ANYTHING, but I am one of those odd women who actually enjoy ironing, especially vintage linen. I have the chance to study it closely while I am ironing, admiring the handwork done so long ago by unknown embroiderers. So for the past week, our clothesline has been draped with tablecloths and doilies every day, after having been soaked overnight in Napisan which cleans everything up so beautifully. Would you believe the wretched clothesline broke today? Only two lines, but grrrr...bad timing when I have so much to put on it in the coming weeks.
My new friend is so pleased with what I have done so far, she allowed me to choose anything I wanted to keep for myself, before she starts listing it on eBay. She offered to pay me in cash, but I said I would probably end up using that to bid on her auctions! so it suited us both to do it the other way. Here are some of the pieces that I have scanned so far. I have scanned more, but will put them on next time, as I know for some of you still on dial-up, it can take ages for these pictures to download. Enjoy!