I am a List Person. Not only shopping lists, but 'to do' lists in many forms. I make up a menu for each week, and a shopping list to fit. I get frustrated and cross with myself when I have a lot of stuff to do, and can't make up my mind what to do first. Housework is easy - I don't have to do a list for that. Washing, ironing, vac. and dust, wash floors - all those are done when it has to be done, but I'm not paranoid about keeping the house spotless. Just clean enough to be livable, and tidy enough to find things within ten minutes ;-)
But after reading some articles in craft books and magazines about people that (a) keep journals of their works or (b) have a list of projects and work on them in some kind of order, I decided it was time I got my projects organised. Some stitchers have a rotation system, where they work on certain things on a certain day. I can see how they would achieve results, but that's not for me. Some lucky people work on just one project until it is finished, and then start another. No way - I'm not that disciplined. I did a write up here a while ago, on how to prioritise your UFOs, and yesterday I decided to take my own advice! So I've created a page headed "UFOs, WIPs, unworked kits and linens". Under that, I've listed the categories, i.e. tablecloths, doilies, aprons, etc. I should mention here that I have not yet counted how many actual THINGS I have in my stash in each of those categories...
The next subheading is "Unfinished cross stitched pictures", which are the projects I am attempting to complete this year. Then I've got "Goals for this year" which are the above mentioned UFOs, plus some projects I want to do for gifts.
I got a bit depressed when I saw all that written down, so I went off on another tack and made up a list of "Finished works - Kept and Given Away". Now that was a surprise - and a shock! This lists only the items I have made in the past 10 years or so, and includes all the small stuff like FPCs, ATCs, and cross stitched greeting cards. I started keeping a record of everything when I got a computer 10 years ago. Whatever went before that is lost in history, apart from what I've kept. I used to do embroidered items as gifts for friends overseas, but never kept a record, and I've forgotten most of them now. Anyway, my totals are 267 items made, of which I have given away 208, and kept 59. Among those are 53 FPCs, 19 ATCs and 64 assorted greeting cards. I had no idea I'd achieved so much!!
My next list will take a bit...no, a LOT - longer. I've accumulated a heap of craft magazines, and bookmarked all the projects I'd like to have a go at one day. I've already made a handwritten list, which I did on the floor, with the magazines spread out around me in stacks. I have 52 magazines, and I've earmarked 135 projects. Oh, I nearly forgot the folders I've got with projects that I've torn out of magazines, or downloaded from the internet. Haven't counted or listed them yet.
I'm starting to think this was NOT a good idea. I could have finished a UFO in the time I've taken to make up all these lists, but all I've done is given myself a little hissy fit. I reassure myself that I am not alone with this problem. Over at Stash Manicure, this quilting Blogger has some great ideas about how to manage your Fabric Stash. I briefly (about 2 seconds) thought about making a list of my fabric stash too, but decided against that, in case I sent myself completely around the bend. But Stash Manicure is a great blog - as much humour as good ideas - have a look if you've not been there before!
5 years ago
You will need a list of all the lists, lol. I've only kept a record of what I've done in the last couple of years. I make a list of what I want to do every month and it changes within a day, lol. You will feel good once you can start crossing things off the list
This is really too funny . . . it's exactly what I do! Even the part about the list making me depressed! Currently I have a list of projects to do that have deadlines (swaps, challenges) and even then I have to pick 4 or 5 for my Priorities list! Ah well, it keeps me off the streets. LOL!
What a laugh!!! I thought you were writing my life story. The trouble with lists is that once you start crossing things off - you keep adding to them - THEN you have to start again because your priorities change (lol). AND THEN the lists get so messy that again you start another one - and so on and so on..... As Liz said it keeps us off the streets!!!
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