I've sworn off eBay since I reduced my working hours in order to care for my mother-in-law who came to live with us in January. Four hours a week in my original job as a Carer doesn't allow me to spend up big on vintage linen like I did a few years ago, and even though I receive an allowance from the Government for being an at-home Carer as well, it isn't enough to make a difference to my spending. So I satisfy myself with an occasional op-shop jaunt, and sometimes I strike gold! Here is what I found today:
This framed piece of embroidery is so beautifully stitched I just had to have it for $3! I would have paid more if the shop had a higher price on it, as it is just an unusual design. I rarely see embroidered fish - cross stitch designs, yes, and seahorses, but nothing like this. And doesn't the frame match perfectly?

The cashier at Vinnies remarked on this, saying what a nice cushion cover it would make for $5. I replied that it was not going to be a cushion cover in my home! I washed it in woolwash after I'd taken this photo, and it looks even better now. A stunning sample of tapestry/needlepoint stitches in a variety of wools and cottons.

Finally, this lone hankie for $1. It is Lagartera work in the corner, isn't it?