Do you know that old saying "It never rains, but it pours"? Well it certainly did for me, and I'm not referring to the wet stuff that falls out of the sky occasionally!
Pam K. and I have been swapping craft magazines and other goodies, and I know she loves lace, so I decided to look for some yesterday. Another weird thing that happens (it's called Murphy's Law!) is that you see a certain thing all over the place when you don't want to buy it, but when you do want it, there is none to be found! I have always seen bags of old laces in most of my regular haunts, but yesterday - ZILCH. However!! I got lucky in linen. This is where I went, and what I found:
Savers Charity Store: No lace, two tablecloths.
Brotherhood of St. Lawrence: No lace, no cloths.
Vinnies: One roll of lace for 50c.
Red Cross: No lace, two supper cloths and a doiley.
Local church op shop: No lace, one suppercloth.
And I haven't found any linen in any of those op(thrift) shops for months!
Here is one of the cloths on my line, and a closeup of the detail. It cost me all of $5. The others are soaking overnight, so I'll have piccies very soon!