This little sachet to hold hankies is so beautifully worked, there is no way I would put anything soiled in there! It came via eBay from a lady who has collected only the best quality linens and is now downsizing her collection...while I upsize mine ;-)
What a beautiful piece! I'd never let anything soiled touch it. :o)
That is a gorgeous piece, LOL at your Hubby's remark, aren't they all wanna-be comedians LOL.
Hi Gina,
Every time that I visit your blog I discover something that I've never seen or heard of before.
Here we have a hanky pocket. To hold used (ew!!) hankies?? Oh surely not! This is too pretty for such a thing. As I said, I've never heard of something like this. A nice, and unusual, piece for your collection.
Your hubby sounds just like mine, quick with the funny. Your friends will be so tickled when they get their lovely cards. These are lovely.
I really love that butterfly doily. Again, something I've never seen before. It looks so delicate and pretty. And I really love that Assisi stitched piece with the fruit. It's quite dramatic.
Oh Gina, if you knew how often I neglected my housework so I can stitch one more row, or read one more page, you'd be shocked! But life's too short to be fussing over a dusty (or furry) house.
And Rupert says thank you for your compliment.
Hi Gina! I have just added you to my links and posted about it on my blog.
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