Chelle has written a lengthy piece on her blog about making lists and setting goals. I'm like Chelle, in that I love to organise stuff (see my post about organising other people's pantries, on Patra's Other Place on Jan.12th)), and I am also a List Person. I could not survive in the supermarket without a shopping list; in fact if I get there and have left my list behind, I get right back in my car to go home and get it!
I have kept a record of my stitching on my PC as well as on Webshots, so if my PC crashes, at least the information will be out there in cyberspace so I can find it again! But I do want to create some kind of a written/picture journal as well, and I started to do that with a spiral notebook. Couldn't get organised enough to go far with that, but I recently thought of creating an index card file, one card for each project. I could put a photo on one side, and the details on the other. Mmmm...give me another six months to find the time to actually do it.
As for goal setting: again, I had a notebook in a bag with my current stitching projects, with all the things I was committed to doing last year (and the year before). It worked to a degree, I suppose - I checked it now and again to remind myself of the dates things had to be finished by, and I crossed them off as I finished them. But I like Chelle's idea of doing a spreadsheet thing on the computer! Now all I need to do is take a course at our Living & Learning Centre on how to create spreadsheets and all that stuff!
5 years ago