As I said in an earlier post, I have 'lost my mojo' for sewing at the moment. In addition to the reasons I gave before, I now have a physical problem that has prevented me from doing any kind of sewing by hand or on a machine. I had a motorcycle accident about 40 years ago in which my neck was nearly broken. As the doctors and other specialists have put it over the years when they see X rays of my neck, "You've really trashed your neck!" It will be fine for a year or so, then I'll get an episode of severe pain where a nerve is pinched by some of the vertebrae which are degenerating over time. In the past month I have had 8 chiropractic treatments, four acupuncture treatments, dozens of remedial massages, and taken Panadeine Forte, Valium, Nurofen, and whatever else I can find that might kill pain. It is finally all beginning to take effect, and tonight is the first time I've been able to sit here and type for more than a few minutes.
The doctors are all telling me now that I will eventually have to have surgery to fix my neck, but don't worry - surgical techniques have come a long way in the last few years, and it is not as invasive as it used to be.
Hmmm. Time will tell. The way I feel at the moment, I may as well just sell all my fabric and sewing gear at a market because I can't see myself ever doing much of it again.
5 years ago