It was soooo hot on Saturday, we just sat around and ate cold fruit to keep cool,

drank cups of tea, and wasted time on our computers. But today it was much cooler, and we felt more like doing things. Ken went out and bought a new cordless phone to replace the one in our entrance hall. He also spent some time in the aviaries with the chooks and finches, cleaning out nest boxes and stuff like that. As for me, I had my list of to-do projects ready to make a start!
First of all I made another felt donut pincushion, with chocolate sprinkles this time ;-)
Next, I made a placemat for my hairdresser for Christmas. I've known her for years, and we always exchange some little item at Christmas. She isn't a craft person, but she loves the bits and pieces I make for her.
Then I messed around some more with these lovely Xmas fabric charm squares, matching some of them with cream fabric and making half square triangles, which I then joined up in various configurations. By the end of the day I'd completed three mug rugs (not what you see here) which will make nice little gifts.
I still have a few Christmas projects that I would like to do, but gosh it is coming up so fast, I don't know if I'll get time to do them, so they might have to wait until next year. I do it every year - wait until December before I start making gifts, then run out of time! I used to think it was crazy when I saw craft magazines in July with ideas for Christmas, but now I know why they publish those patterns so early!