The EVG has a wonderful display on this month, which I'm sure most of my readers would really appreciate if they got the chance to visit. I was there today in my volunteer role and spent a lot of time in the Gallery, admiring each individual piece on show. The display is titled "Past, Present and Future" and features items that have been stitched a long time ago (by EGV members' mums or grandmothers in some cases); more recently by EGV members; and by children (members' daughters). I asked the display co-ordinator if I could take photos for my blog and she doesn't have any objections, so I'm planning to go back next week and get some pics.
As usual I had a rummage around in the remnants bin and found these fabrics:

I'm not sure what I'll do with this, but I love the 70's look of this fabric.

This is so pretty! I couldn't go past these roses!

This scrap of woollen fabric will go well in the Peacock block I am planning. I love this colour combination.

This is a huge piece of fabric - enough to make a tablecloth out of it! I can't believe someone meant this for the remnant bin, and I asked everyone in the building today, but nobody knew anything about it and they said "Take it, Gina. It's been left there, so it is first come, first served". I'm going to keep it complete (not cut it up) for a while, just in case someone else did want it and just hadn't picked it up. If nobody at the Guild claims it, well - there's enough to share around!

This is a closeup of the above fabric.
Speaking of Peacocks (well I did mention the word somewhere above) I have a new embroidered peacock in my collection. It arrived today from the USA and I'm 'over the moon' with delight!! You can see it