One of Ken's cousins has an unusual occupation; she works for a company who cleans up houses in readiness to be sold, after the owner has died or moved elsewhere, and the family left in charge don't have time to do it themselves. After the family takes what they want to keep themselves, the rest is consigned to a rubbish skip or sent to charity/op shops. My cousin-in-law had a box of it on its way to the opshop, but knowing my love of old linen brought it home to show me instead.
I try not to include lace, crochet, tatting, etc. in my collection, as it would be simply out of control, but I couldn't let this lot go out the door! I'm taking it to the Guild this week to get the members' opinion on whether it is worth saving, and then I'll decide who to bequeath it to - I have some friends who do collect this kind of work and might be very pleased to add it to their collections!
Here are the doilies on the floor:

And here are close ups of some of them:

This is a cutwork supper cloth:

And this exquisite supper cloth is either crochet or tatting - if you can identify it, please leave a comment to advise me!

Close-up of the lacework:

I have several of these doiley holders, but nothing quite like this one!