"It takes ages to finish a quilt you're not working on!"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jigsaw quilt?

Here is another interesting concept, using fabric or paper to make pieces shaped like a jigsaw piece. Everyone in this group uses the same template, then they swap their creations with others in the group, and eventually make up a display of some kind with all the interlocking pieces placed on a backing. I started out to write some letters an hour ago. I should have just turned the computer on without going online. It always happens - I get sidetracked! But it is simply fantastic what people come up with, and to be able to see their work around the world, from your own home...


Jane said...

I've seen some of these on a blog I follow, she has made some really delightful pieces. It must be interesting to see what the finished pieces will look like together

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh, I know what you mean. I try to get my work done, and then the computer gets my attention. The jigsaw sounds interesting! blessings,Kathleen